Sphynx Alley, Luxor, Egypt
The Bible, The Bollandists, Brussels, Belgium
Brick factory village Al Sheir Ali,Nagada, Katara, Egypt
Brick factory, Al Sheir Ali,Nagada, Katara, Egypt
Olivier and Claude Vandersleyen in front of the Tempest stela, Luxor, Egypt
Olivier and Claude Vandersleyen in front of the Tempest stela, Luxor Egypt
Discovery of the olive branch by Walter Friedrich in Santorini, Greece
Claude Vandersleyen at the Ahmosis Palace, Deir el-Ballas, Qena, Egypt
Archaeological site of Deir el-Ballas, Qena, Egypt
Karnak Temple, Luxor, Egypt
Françoise Labrique, Historian of Egyptian Religions, Brussels, Belgium
Gilles Lericolais, Marine Geologist, Paris, France
Israël Finkelstein, Archeologist,Tel Aviv, Israël
Temple of Karnak, Luxor, Egypt
Lefteris Zorzos, Archaeologist, Santorini, Greece
List of Kings, Temple of Sethi I, Abydos, Egypt
Madinat Habu, West Bank, Luxor, Egypt
Luxor, Egypt
Manfred Bietak, Egyptologist, Vienna, Austria
Marina Baldi, Climatologist, Rome, Italy
Nadine Moeller, Archaeologist, Chicago, USA
Ascent to the tomb n°5, El Kab, Egypt
Papyrus of Ipuwer, Leyden, The Netherlands
Shooting the Nile, Luxor, Egypt
Claude Vandersleyen in front of the tempest stela, Louxor, Egypt
Third Pylon, Temple of Karnak, Luxor, Egypt
Robert Ritner, Egyptologist, Chicago, USA
Roland Enmarch, Egyptologist, Liverpool, UK
The Hypostyle Hall in the temple of Karnak, Luxor, Egypt
The Santorini caldeira, with Nea Kameni in the center
Pumice cliffs in Santorini, Greece
The tempest stela, Luxor, Egypt
Sturt Manning,Dendrochronologist, Ithaca, New York, USA
Teije de Jong, Astronomer, Amsterdam, Pays-Bas
Abydos Temples
Thomas Römer, Theologian,Collège de France, Paris, France
Tim Druitt, Volcanologist, Clermont Ferrand, France
Walter Friedrich, Discovery of an olive branch in Santorini, Greece
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Photo credits :
François Gourdon Walter Friedrich Olivier Vandersleyen